I have started to take some of my aphorisms that I have posted to Twitter in the past and reformat them in a graphic form, hopefully making them more visually interesting and thereby capturing the attention of the viewer, who, distracted as they are by the relentless blandishments of consumer culture, is not likely to notice a single line of text. I will add them here, one at a time, as I complete them. I am first posting them to my other blog at Tumblr.

Own who you are.

laika with couplet

billion years

Platonic confession

skepticism honors knowledge

known universe

unvarnished truth

wanderer over a sea of fog with aphorism

Nietzsche sexuality

SETI question

cave bear altar 2

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Grand Strategy Annex

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project astrolabe logo smaller

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4 Responses to “Graphic Aphorisms”

  1. Are you selling any of these graphics as posters? I would love some for my HS classroom!
    Lovely work!

    • geopolicraticus said

      Thanks for your inquiry! I am not yet set up to sell these as posters, but that is a great idea and I will pursue it.



  2. marshall lentini said

    The Sartre / Nietzsche is blatant sophistry. Nietzsche forcefully rejected, and painstakingly disproved, the very notion of responsibility. “Taking responsibility for everything” doesn’t even make sense beyond the grammar of the proposition, — and keeps one mired in melodramatic Christian moralism.

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